What’s the difference between 8mm film and Super 8 film? It’s a common question that gets asked when converting film to digital.
While it seems easier to tell the difference between 16mm film and 8mm (because 16mm film is double the width), 8mm and Super 8 film can be trickier to distinguish.
Although 8mm and Super 8 film are very similar, there are also important differences that will help you tell them apart.
Sprocket Holes
Two of the most obvious differences between standard 8mm film and Super 8 film are the size and placement of the sprocket holes, or the holes that make up the perforated edge along one side of the film reel.
Even though the sprocket holes are only seen on one side of the film reel for both Super 8 and 8mm film, the sizing and placement are different to account for the larger size of the Super 8 frames.
Super 8 sprocket holes are remarkably smaller. They are also centered beside each frame, rather than placed in between the frames like on regular 8mm film.
Frame Size
Another differentiating quality between these film types is that Super 8 film also has a 50% larger frame size, which is why the sprocket holes needed to be smaller.
If you compare standard 8mm film to Super 8 film, you’ll notice how much more space the Super 8 frames take up compared to the sprocket holes.
Picture Quality
Since the frame size is so much larger on Super 8 film, the picture quality is also a lot sharper. When Eastman Kodak launched the Super 8 film format in 1965, the company meant for Super 8 be an upgrade to the standard 8mm film format.
Converting 8mm and Super 8 to Digital
Though 8mm and Super 8 film formats are slightly different, the unfortunate similarity between them is their limited shelf life.
Both 8mm and Super 8 film reels tend to deteriorate over time, especially if not stored in ideal conditions. However, by converting your 8mm or Super 8 film to digital files or DVDs, you can make sure the footage is safe from harm and stands the test of time.
Professional media conversion companies like Current Pixel will be able to help you determine which film format you have and convert your footage to digital or DVD, giving you peace of mind and the ability to conveniently view and store the contents of your film.
With Current Pixel in Atlanta, you can be sure all media conversions are completed by experienced staff members, never outsourced to a third party.
Whether you have Super 8, regular 8mm film, 16mm film, or other home movie film, make sure you take great care of it by storing it in a cool, dry place out of the glare of sunlight. This can help preserve the lifespan of film reels. However, to make sure it lasts generations, consider converting your film to digital files or DVDs.
If you have old film reels in your possession, you might not know exactly the type of film you own. Contact Current Pixel so they can help you determine your film type, and preserve their content with digital or DVD conversion solutions.